Cancellation Policy.

Visits to La Melonera winery will be considered confirmed once payment has been made or express written confirmation has been received from the winery. Cancellations of visits by winery clients made with at least 48 hours’ notice will result in a full refund. Up to 24 hours before, 50% of the amount will be refunded. With less than 24 hours’ notice, no refund will be issued.

Cancellations must be communicated by email to The winery reserves the right to modify the conditions of the visit up to 48 hours before its realization, and will proceed to offer the client the option to recover the ticket price or select a new date. It may also cancel the visit due to force majeure, offering the client a refund or a new date.

If visit requests do not exceed 4 people, the winery reserves the right to cancel that time slot and clients will be offered the choice between a new time slot or a refund of the ticket price. The cancellation will be made with at least 48 hours’ notice.